Advanced TypeScript
Get familiar with some of Typescript's greatest advanced features.

Kevin Kreuzer
Nov 10, 2022
7 min read

Typescript is awesome. It offers so many great features. Hereโs a summary of some of the greatest advanced Typescript
- Union and intersection types
- Keyof
- Typeof
- Conditional types
- Utility types
- Infer type
- Mapped types
By the end of this blog post, you should have a base understanding of each of those operators and you should be able to
use them in your projects.
Union and intersection types
Typescript allows us to combine multiple types to create a new type. This approach is similar to logical expressions in
JavaScript where we can use the logical OR ||
or the logical AND &&
to create new powerful checks.
Union types
A union type is similar to Javascripts OR expression. It allows you to use two or more types (union members) to form a
new type that may be any of those types.
function orderProduct(orderId: string | number) {
console.log('Ordering product with id', orderId);
// ๐
// ๐
// ๐ Argument is not assignable to string | number
orderProduct({ name: 'foo' });
We type the orderProduct
method with a union type. TypeScript will throw an error once we call the orderProduct
method with anything that is not a number
or a string
Intersection types
An intersection type, on the other hand, combines multiple types into one. This new type has all the features of the
combined types.
interface Person {
name: string;
firstname: string;
interface FootballPlayer {
club: string;
function tranferPlayer(player: Person & FootballPlayer) {}
// ๐
name: 'Ramos',
firstname: 'Sergio',
club: 'PSG',
// ๐ Argument is not assignable to Person & FootballPlayer
name: 'Ramos',
firstname: 'Sergio',
The transferPlayer
method accepts a type that contains all features of both Person
and FootballPlayer
. Only an
object containing the name
, firstname
and the club
property is valid.
Now that we know the union type. Letโs have a look at the keyof
operator. The keyof
operator takes the keys of an
interface or an object and produces a union type.
interface MovieCharacter {
firstname: string;
name: string;
movie: string;
type characterProps = keyof MovieCharacter;
Got it! But when is this useful. We could also type the characterProps
type characterProps = 'firstname' | 'name' | 'movie';
Yes, we could. keyof
makes our code more robust and always keeps our types up to date. Letโs explore this with the
following example.
interface PizzaMenu {
starter: string;
pizza: string;
beverage: string;
dessert: string;
const simpleMenu: PizzaMenu = {
starter: 'Salad',
pizza: 'Pepperoni',
beverage: 'Coke',
dessert: 'Vanilla ice cream',
function adjustMenu(
menu: PizzaMenu,
menuEntry: keyof PizzaMenu,
change: string,
) {
menu[menuEntry] = change;
// ๐
adjustMenu(simpleMenu, 'pizza', 'Hawaii');
// ๐
adjustMenu(simpleMenu, 'beverage', 'Beer');
// ๐ Type - 'bevereger' is not assignable
adjustMenu(simpleMenu, 'bevereger', 'Beer');
// ๐ Wrong property - 'coffee' is not assignable
adjustMenu(simpleMenu, 'coffee', 'Beer');
The adjustMenu
function allows you to change a menu. For example, imagine you like the menuSimple
but you prefer to
drink beer over a Coke. In this case, we call the adjustMenu
function with the menu
, the menuEntry
the change
, in our case, a Beer.
The interesting part of this function is that the menuEntry
is typed with the keyof
operator. The nice thing here is
that our code is very robust. If we refactor the PizzaMenu
interface, we donโt have to touch the adjustMenu
function. It is always up to date with the keys of the PizzaMenu
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allows you to extract a type from a value. It can be used in a type context to refer to the type of a variable.
let firstname = 'Frodo';
let name: typeof firstname;
Of course, this doesnโt make much sense in such simple scenarios. But let's look at a more sophisticated example. In
this example, we use typeof
in combination with ReturnType
to extract typing information from a functions return
function getCharacter() {
return {
firstname: 'Frodo',
name: 'Baggins',
type Character = ReturnType<typeof getCharacter>;
equal to
type Character = {
firstname: string;
name: string;
In the example above, we create a new type based on the return type of the getCharacter
function. Same here, if we refactor the return type of this function changes, our Character
type is up to date.
Conditional types
The conditional ternary operator is a very well-known operator in Javascript. The ternary operator takes three operands. A condition, a return type if the condition is true, and a return type is false.
condition ? returnTypeIfTrue : returnTypeIfFalse;
The same concept also exists in TypeScript.
interface StringId {
id: string;
interface NumberId {
id: number;
type Id<T> = T extends string ? StringId : NumberId;
let idOne: Id<string>;
// equal to let idOne: StringId;
let idTwo: Id<number>;
// equal to let idTwo: NumberId;
In this example, we use the Id
type util to generate a type based on a string
. If T
extends string
we return the StringId
type. If we pass a number
, we return the NumberId
Utility types
Utility types are helper tools to facilitate common type transformations. Typescript offers many utility types. Too many to cover in this blog post. Below you can find a selection of the ones I use the most.
The official TypeScript documentation offers a great list of all utility types.
The Partial utility type allows you to transform an interface into a new interface where all properties are optional.
interface MovieCharacter {
firstname: string;
name: string;
movie: string;
function registerCharacter(character: Partial<MovieCharacter>) {}
// ๐
firstname: 'Frodo',
// ๐
firstname: 'Frodo',
name: 'Baggins',
requires a firstname
, name
and a movie
. However, the signature of the registerPerson
function uses the Partial
utility to create a new type with optional firstname
, optional name
and optional movie
does the opposite of Partial
. It takes an existing interface with optional properties and transforms it into a type where all properties are required.
interface MovieCharacter {
firstname?: string;
name?: string;
movie?: string;
function hireActor(character: Required<MovieCharacter>) {}
// ๐
firstname: 'Frodo',
name: 'Baggins',
movie: 'The Lord of the Rings',
// ๐
firstname: 'Frodo',
name: 'Baggins',
In this example the properties of MovieCharacter
were optional. By using Required
we transformed into a type where all properties are required. Therefore only objects containing the firstname
, name
and movie
properties are allowed.
Extract allows you to extract typing information from a type. Extract accepts two Parameters, first the Interface and second the type that should be extracted.
type MovieCharacters =
| 'Harry Potter'
| 'Tom Riddle'
| { firstname: string; name: string };
type hpCharacters = Extract<MovieCharacters, string>;
// equal to type hpCharacters = 'Harry Potter' | 'Tom Riddle';
type hpCharacters = Extract<MovieCharacters, { firstname: string }>;
// equal to type hpCharacters = {firstname: string; name: string };
Extract<MovieCharacters, string>
creates a union type hpCharacters
that consists only of strings. Extract<MovieCharacters, {firstname: string}>
on the other hand, it extracts all object types that contain a firstname: string
Exclude does the opposite of extract. It allows you to generate a new type by excluding a type.
type MovieCharacters =
| 'Harry Potter'
| 'Tom Riddle'
| { firstname: string; name: string };
type hpCharacters = Exclude<MovieCharacters, string>;
// equal to type hpCharacters = {firstname: string; name: string };
type hpCharacters = Exclude<MovieCharacters, { firstname: string }>;
// equal to type hpCharacters = 'Harry Potter' | 'Tom Riddle';
First, we generate a new type that excludes all strings. Next, we generate a type that excludes all object types containing firstname: string
Infer type
allows you to create a new type. It's similar to creating a variable in Javascript with the keyword var
, let
or const
type flattenArrayType<T> = T extends Array<infer ArrayType> ? ArrayType : T;
type foo = flattenArrayType<string[]>;
// equal to type foo = string;
type foo = flattenArrayType<number[]>;
// equal to type foo = number;
type foo = flattenArrayType<number>;
// equal to type foo = number;
Wow, the getArrayType
looks pretty complicated. But actually, itโs not. Letโs go through it.
T extends Array<infer ArrayType>
checks if T
extends an Array. Furthermore, we use the infer
keyword to get a hold of the array type. Think of it as storing the type in a variable.
We then use the conditional type to return the ArrayType if T
extends Array. If not, we return T
Mapped types
Mapped types are a great way of transforming existing types into new types. Therefore the term map. Mapped types are compelling and allow us to create custom utility types.
interface Character {
playInFantasyMovie: () => void;
playInActionMovie: () => void;
type toFlags<Type> = { [Property in keyof Type]: boolean };
type characterFeatures = toFlags<Character>;
equal to
type characterFeatures = {
playInFantasyMovie: boolean;
playInActionMovie: boolean;
We create the toFlags
helper type that takes a type and maps all properties to be of return type boolean
Pretty cool. But it gets even more powerful. We can add or remove the ?
or the readonly
modifier by prefixing them with a simple +
or -
Letโs have a look at an example where we create a mutable
utility type.
type mutable<Type> = {
-readonly [Property in keyof Type]: Type[Property];
type Character = {
readonly firstname: string;
readonly name: string;
type mutableCharacter = mutable<Character>;
equal to
type mutableCharacter = {
firstname: string;
name: string;
Each property of the Character type is readonly. Our mutable
interface removes the readonly
property because we prefix it with a -
The same works in the other direction. If we add a +
we can create a helper type that takes an interface and transforms it into an interface where every property is optional.
type optional<Type> = {
[Property in keyof Type]+?: Type[Property];
type Character = {
firstname: string;
name: string;
type mutableCharacter = optional<Character>;
equal to
type mutableCharacter = {
firstname?: string;
name?: string;
Of course, those two approaches can also be combined. Look at the next example where the optionalAndMutable
type removes the readonly
property and adds a ?
which makes each property optional.
type optionalAndMutable<Type> = {
-readonly [Property in keyof Type]+?: Type[Property];
type Character = {
readonly firstname: string;
readonly name: string;
type mutableCharacter = optionalAndMutable<Character>;
equal to
type mutableCharacter = {
firstname?: string;
name?: string;
It even gets more powerful. Letโs check out the following example where we create type util that transforms an existing type into a type of setters.
type setters<Type> = {
[Property in keyof Type as `set${Capitalize<
string & Property
>}`]: () => Type[Property];
type Character = {
firstname: string;
name: string;
type character = setters<Character>;
equal to
type character = {
setFirstname: () => string;
setName: () => string;
There are no limitations. We can even reuse everything we saw so far. How about a mapped type that uses the Exclude
utility type?
type nameOnly<Type> = {
[Property in keyof Type as Exclude<Property, 'firstname'>]: Type[Property];
type Character = {
firstname: string;
name: string;
type character = nameOnly<Character>;
equal to
type character = {
name: string;
Thatโs it. TypeScript is awesome, and it offers even more features. Once mastered the concepts described in this article are very powerful and can make your code more robust and therefore easier to refactor.
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Google Developer Expert (GDE)
for Angular & Web Technologies
A trainer, consultant, and senior front-end engineer with a focus on the modern web, as well as a Google Developer Expert for Angular & Web technologies. He is deeply experienced in implementing, maintaining and improving applications and core libraries on behalf of big enterprises worldwide.
Kevin is forever expanding and sharing his knowledge. He maintains and contributes to multiple open-source projects and teaches modern web technologies on stage, in workshops, podcasts, videos and articles. He is a writer for various tech publications and was 2019โs most active Angular In-Depth publication writer.
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