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Hey there! I'm Kevin, and I'm inviting you to join my Angular stream for a super chill and dynamic learning session. Whether you're curious about new Angular tricks or just have some questions, I'm here to help. Let's kick back, learn some cool stuff, and grow together! πŸ˜ŽπŸ‘¨β€πŸ’»

Here's everything you need to know about effect in Angular v19Angular Architecture Mistakes you want to AvoidMaster Angular Interviews: Senior-Level Questions AnsweredAngular Signals Masterclass eBookSPA, SSR, SSG: Explained All in This Video!Standalone Components Are The FutureHow to Share Code Like a Pro in 2024!App insights with ng-parselBrew labImprove Jest Debugging ExperienceπŸ…°οΈ πŸš€ ng-add πŸ€©πŸ…°οΈ πŸš€ Angular query πŸ€©πŸ…°οΈ πŸš€ Finally Zoneless! πŸ€©πŸ…°οΈ πŸš€ New Angular APIs βœ¨πŸ…°οΈ πŸš€ Dynamic nested forms βœ¨πŸ…°οΈ πŸš€ Signal Queries ✨Angular Change Detection Explained!πŸ…°οΈ πŸš€ Model Inputs ✨Angular Signals - The future of AngularπŸ…°οΈ πŸš€ Angular Signal Inputs ✨Local Change Detection in AngularπŸ…°οΈ πŸš€NgRx Signal Store ✨Angular Signals - the complete APITypescript's keyof is pretty neat!Improve app performance with Angular 17 defer 🀩Should we rethink state in Angular? Exploring Angular queryπŸ…°οΈ πŸš€ Fullstack - Nx, NestJs, Prisma, PlanetScale, Angular Query ✨In-depth Angular Signals, mental models for reactive graph, push / pull, laziness and more! πŸš₯Signals will change change detection forever!Angulars new control flow is amazing! πŸš€πŸ…°οΈ πŸš€ Angular SSR / SSG / i18n ✨Boost Angular Efficiency: Cut Down Checks with OnPush Change Detection!WritableSignals extends a Signal with a set, update and asReadonly functionSignals – The Future of AngularπŸ…°οΈ πŸš€ Introducing Angular 17 ✨❀️ Gitrocket Hyper.js plugin πŸš€Required Inputs in AngularπŸ…°οΈ πŸš€ Building an Angular Open Source Library from Scratch! πŸ› οΈβœ¨Angular defer loading - Stream VODAngular 17 - This is the brand new Control FlowAngular control flowReleasing NPM libraries from a Nx monorepoDynamic Module Federation with NXExploring NX & module federationImplementing an app with Angular 16 - Stream VODAngular hydration explainedAngular - Routed Component Input bindingsRequired Angular InputsUnderstanding Angular DI decoratorsAngular Template Context Mental Model by Tomas Trajan | ngIndia 2023Angular Signals RFCRxJS and Signals - how we may write Angular apps in the future!BΓ€rnerJS #5 2021 - Tomas Trajan - The Best Way To Architect Your Angular LibrariesMicrofrontends with Angular Elements, the future of Angular, Minko Gechev QnA | #AngularMinsk #16AngularAir - How to architect epic Angular app in less than 10 minutes! β±οΈπŸ˜…Leverage Angular Schematics to Empower Frontend Apps & Libraries | Tomas Trajan | NG-MY 2019The best way to lazy load Angular Elements or any other web components in your Angular application![VDZ19] How to leverage Angular Schematics to empower Devs of Frontend Apps & Libraries by T. TrajanAngular Anti-Patterns in projects of the large enterprise organization - @tomastrajan - Die MobiliarHow to use Angular Schematics to empower Developers of Frontend Apps & Libraries by Tomas TrajanTotal Guide to Angular Material Custom Themes by Tomas TrajanBΓ€rner JS Talks - Proper unit-testing of Angular JS 1.X apps with ES6 modules - Tomas Herich

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