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Angular UI component
library starter

Build custom Angular component libraries in no time

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Who is this product for?

This product is for you and your team if you want to build a high-quality UI component library with an outstanding showcase app in no time. With this starter, you can focus on building your components and avoid losing countless hours on tooling, project setup, and exploring best practices.

UI components library starter logo

Stop losing sleep over setup and tooling.
Elevate your productivity and deliver your first UI component in record time!

What do I get?

You get a full-featured Angular component library starter with a showcase app that you can use to build your component library. The starter includes the following features:

RxJs handles asynchronous logic in Angular application illustration

What's included in the library setup?

  • Full setup to ship your library with subentries for high performance and best possible tree shaking.
  • Complete setup to ship CSS classes, components and helpers.
  • Complete setup to ship SCSS mixins, functions and variables.
  • Ship harness objects for each component as a testing sub-entry.
  • Complete testing setup with Jest.
  • Automated accessibility tests for desktop and mobile.
  • Linting & Formatting: Write the best possible code with Prettier, ESLint and Stylelint.
  • Git: Automated hooks and commit message validation with husky, lint-staged and commitlint.
  • Mobile first styles.
  • Best practices: Proven architecture for Angular libraries & stylesheets.

What's included in the showcase setup?

  • Splash screen to demonstrate the highlights of your library.
  • Quick search on all components.
  • Automated table of content and navigation for all showcase pages.
  • API docs for all components, directives, pipes and harnesses.
  • TypeScript, HTML, SCSS and Test preview for showcase examples.
  • Automated accessibility tests for desktop and mobile.
  • Links from showcase examples to source files in your repository.
  • Cards with links to chats and Scrum boards for easy collaboration.
  • Responsive.
  • Out of the box theming - The starter provides a light and dark mode.
  • Header with important information such as repository and library version.
RxJs handles asynchronous logic in Angular application illustration

What happens after the purchase?

Using the UI Component Library Starter is a breeze. With the help of our customization script you can start building your library right away.

Customization wizard

Our customization wizard will help you to get started with your library in no time.

RxJs handles asynchronous logic in Angular application illustration
  • Automatically adjust showcase, folders and configurations to fit your company name.
  • Automatically adjust components prefixes to match your company abbreviation.
  • Integrate links to your repository, chat and Scrum board.
  • Theming. Our wizard adjust the showcase to match your company's brand colors.

Up to date with the latest technology

The starter is on the latest Angular version

The starter is built with Angular 15

Feature complete showcase

Our component starter provides splash screen, code preview, API display and much more. Click here to see it in action.

Showcase previewShowcase previewShowcase preview

Pricing & options

Choose the pricing plan that fits your needs

ui-components-library-starter icon

UI Component Library Starter

Background waves
Price background
$ 239.20 + applicable VAT
  • Complete library setup with all the mentioned features
  • Complete showcase setup with all the mentioned features
  • Getting started and how to develop guides
  • Setup call and walkthrough
Buy now
$ 239.20
By buying you agree to our terms of service
ui-components-library-starter icon

UI Component Library Starter
+ Setup call

Background waves
Price background
$1990.00 + applicable VAT
  • Complete library setup with all the mentioned features
  • Complete showcase setup with all the mentioned features
  • Getting started and how to develop guides
  • Setup call and walkthrough (max 8 hours)
Get in touch and schedule a call


How can I get support?

We believe that our starter is easy to use and understand. However, if you have any questions, you can always reach out to us by using our contact form.

How do I develop new components with the starter?

There are a bunch of best practices when developing UI components. But don't worry, the starter contains a CONTRIBUTION.md file that explains the best practices and the conventions used in the starter.

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Angular library starter

Angular library starter

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Get in touch

Do you want to know more about our starter? Or do you need support with frontend development? We are happy to help you!

To learn more about our services please visit our service page or use the form below to reach out to us directly.
